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The General Assembly of the United Nations has often dealt with human rights in its reseolutions and declarations. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, for example, is a resolutions enacted by the General Assembly. However, such resolutions or declarations are of recommendatory nature only. Their legal meaning lies in their ability to reflect customary law, become customary law, and to constitute the foundation for future legally binding treaties. For example, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was the reference document for both Human Rights Covenants and the Convention on the Rights of the Child and it's key clauses meanwhile reflect customary international law.
Most of these resolutions and conventions are negotiated by the Third Committee, the Committee for Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs Committee (SOCHUM). It is one of six Committees subdivided by themes that the General Assembly has called into being to manage its numerous tasks.
SOCHUM has become one of the most important organs of the UN that deals with social aspects such as refugees, overpopulations, prostitution and social wellfare. Among others, the Third Committee is currently dealing with the following issues: protection of child's rights, elimination of racial discrimination, the right to self-determination and women's rights.
Framework Regarding Social Worker Policies
Considering Systems of Integration for Convicts